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Monday, August 16, 2010

Guide To Huskar

Skill Build :
  1. Burning Spear
  2. Berserker's Blood
  3. Burning Spear
  4. Berserker's Blood
  5. Burning Spear
  6. Life Break
  7. Burning Spear
  8. Berserker's Blood
  9. Berserker's Blood
  10. Inner Vitality
  11. Life Break
  12. Inner Vitality
  13. Inner Vitality
  14. Inner Vitality
  15. Attribute Bonus
  16. Life Break
  17. Attribute Bonus
  18. Attribute Bonus
  19. Attribute Bonus
  20. Attribute Bonus
  21. Attribute Bonus
  22. Attribute Bonus
  23. Attribute Bonus
  24. Attribute Bonus
  25. Attribute Bonus

Skill Build Justification :

We have to max Burning Spear ASAP! Why? Because Burning Spear itself is huskar's powerful tool to become an early-mid monster. Any early-mid game will surely has <1600 hp. And will die easily because of stacking Burning Spear on him.

Next is Berserker's Blood. Why? Because we'll need this so bad for it's IAS and +damage. This skill will give you a slight advantage over your enemy in a losig battle (Of course we assumed that both huskar and the enemy's item looks almost same and the enemy is not over-farmed :P).

Taken last, Inner Vitality. Yep, it's good to level up this as soon as possible if you're having a hard time in your lane (facing another orb-walker). But, a ring of regeneration or two will help you much better than this skill early game. Notice that Inner Vitality needs 170 mana and will heal based on your primary attribute. So, this skill won't help you that much early game. Because of your tiny starting strength and strength growth for a strength hero.

Life Break, has to be taken asap when available. Why? Because this skill is the only huskar's ganking-skill with it's 50% slow for 5 seconds that goes through magic immunity and a frustrating damage of the enemy's 50% current HP (65% when upgraded with Scepter).

Item Build :

Ganker Huskar Core Items : :

First item that a Ganker Huskar will need is Power Treads for it's little and cheap IAS, a little HP form str+, and the 65 ms.

Second, Hood of Defiance is also viable because of it's magical damage reduction (which synergies well with your ult so you won't take much damage. So here is the question. Q : "Hey, we know that we need our HP relatively but acceptable small to increase Berserker's Blood efficiency." A : "I agree, but, when you don't take this defiance in your build, after that let's say you leave your lane at 7'ish and meet a PoTM, what will you do? Of course life break her to make her depressed because of the slow and massive damage. But, guess what? Your HP is decreased much without +magical_resistance from Defiance. If that PoTM do realize this, she'll just Melee Arrow you then Starfall. Boom, you're just a Life-Break-Skilled creep for her. Without defiance, you'll become very fragile to nukes at early game. So what's the point not taking the Defiance?").

The third is Armlet of Mordiggian. Huskar will need this for it's massive DPS, and IAS for a cheap price. But it will give you a 35 hp degeneration per second while activated, and a massive str boost (+25 str), +31 damage, and +10 IAS.

The forth item, Kelen's Dagger (or just dagger), will give us a big opportunity in a gank. You just have to give a signal to an ally (usually disabler) to help you take down that unlucky hero. Then you blink next to that victim, life break him, after that your ally disable that victim. A definitely die for the victim.


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