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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Rooftrellen, the mighty tree

This is my guide for:

*Note: I spent a lot of time making this guide readable and colorful. This guide has a great layout compared to my other guides. so please don't give this guide a low rating just because of the layout.

Table of contents:

This guide will be containing:

1. Hero intro
2. Background history
3. Pros and Cons of Tree
4. Why and When to pick tree
5. Skiis
6. Skill build
7. Items section
8. Early game items
8.5. Core items
9. Mid game items
10. Late game items
11. Optional items
12. Situational items
13. Rejected items
14. Early game strategies
14.5 Sentinel placing strategies
15. Mid game strategies
16. Late game strategies
17. Rune section
18. Good allies/worst enemies
18.5 Replays/videos
19. Credits
20. The end

1. Hero intro:

The Treant Protector's main focus is helping allies and absorbing damage, although his Overgrowth spell is one of the most powerful offensive abilities in the game. Rooftrellen can buff both his own and his allies' armor and hit point regeneration to very high levels with Natural Armor, and if that isn't enough to keep them safe he can turn them invisible with Nature's Guise. As long as they remain near a tree, they will remain hidden. Eyes in the Forest give Rooftrellen the ability to spy on his enemies. Although most of his abilities are defensive in nature, the Treant Protector's offensive power should not be underestimated. Using Overgrowth he can entangle all enemies in a large area around him, dealing lots of damage and stopping their movement for several seconds. In addition, the Treant Protector is no slouch in combat himself, with a powerful physical attack and near unstoppable constitution. Much like nature itself, this hero should not be underestimated.

2. Background history:

A treant of immense age and wisdom, Rooftrellen was merely a sapling during the invasion of the Burning Legion. Having grown powerful over thousands of years, Rooftrellen has lent his considerable might to the Sentinel cause. An omnipresent force in the forest, he is capable using his power over the forest to hide his allies. Rooftrellen is aided by the forest itself, providing him with a thick living armor of vines and entangling nearby foes in a deadly embrace, allowing Rooftrellen to pound his victims to dust with his massive gnarled limbs.

3. Pros and Cons of Tree


-Can cast invis on allies (Nature's Guise)
-Has a warding skill (Setntinels)
-Very high base damage
-Very high str growth
Can tank really well (Due to Living Armor)
-Dosen't need a lot of mana
-Spammable skills


-Requires some micromanagement
-Not newbie friendly
-Low agi growth

4. When and why to pick Tree:


-When your team needs an AOE disabler
-When your team needs a tank
-When the other team had picked weak heros (Like lion)
-When your team needs someone that can ward

When not:

-Don't pick Tree if the enemy team has too many disablers
-Don't pick Tree if the enemy team has nuker/silencers

Why pick Tree?

-He can ward very well at little cost of some mana
-He can become invisible
-He has a powerful AOE disable
-He's very fun to play of you played him for a while

*Note: If you want to learn more about Tree's skills, stats, hp etc. etc. Then please go to:

5. Skills:

Nature's guise:

 *If the unit has a distance more than 375 to the closest tree, the invisibility will be removed.
* Can be used on units even if they aren't close to a tree, but the invisibility will be removed almost instantly.
* Treant Protector can cast spells without losing invisibility from Nature's Guise.

This could be a life saving and ganking skill. But what truly makes this skill great is that you can cast it on allies. Always remember to cast this on a low hp ally!

Forest Sentinel

* Forest Sentinel in passive mode has Permanent Invisibility and Sight Range 500.
* When activated, the Forest Sentinel loses Permanent Invisibility and its Sight Range decreases to 100.
* Active Forest Sentinel searches for targets in 525 AoE.
* When an active Forest Sentinel hits a target, it transforms back into the passive form. 

This is your warding and nuking skill. In order to kill with this skill you must have Sentinels in the right places. Otherwise it will just do little or no damage to your enemies. (More will be explained later)

*Note: More about Sentinels will be mentioned at eh "sentinel placing" strategy section!

Transform Sentinel:

* Cooldown is shared with all Sentinels.
* When cast on ground, affects the closest Forest Sentinel to the targeted point.

This is your activate Sentinel skill.

Living Armor:

* Can target structures. 

This is a spammable and tanking skill. The 4hp regeneration in early game is great. You CAN cast this on buildings so I suggest casting this on low hp towers since it restores their hp and gives them bonus armor. If you cast this on heros like Axe then they can become invincible. XD


* Damage type: magical
* Prevents usage of the Blink spell.
* Disable works on currently magic immune units, however if a unit becomes magic immune while already affected by Overgrowth, they will break free. 

Very powerful skill. The best thing about it is that its AOE skill. Always combine this with Dagger and Refresher!

6. Skill build:

*Note: Since this is an In-depth guide, there will be multiple skill builds!

Classic build:

1. Forest Sentinel 
2. Living Armor
3. Living Armor
4. Nature's guise 
5. Living Armor
6. Overgrowth
7. Living Armor
8. Forest Sentinel
9. Forest Sentinel
10. Forest Sentinel
11. Overgrowth
12. Nature's guise
13. Nature's guise
14. Nature's guise
15. Stats
16. Overgrowth
17-25. Stats


This is the classic build that most people use before the change in v6.67. 

Living Armor is gotten first because it provides you with good laning capabilities and gives you good armor for tanking needs.

Nature's Guise is only gotten at mid game because not a lot of people will gank you in early game. But take 1 level of it in early game just in case

Forest Sentinel is maxed after Living Armor because it's your only nuke/stun/ward, but in early game we need more mana for armor.

Overgrowth is take ASAP because its a mass AOE disable.

Tanking Build:

1. Living Armor
2. Stats
3. Living Armor
4. Stats
5. Living Armor
6. Overgrowth 
7. Living Armor
8. Stats
9. Nature's guise
10. Forest Sentinel
11. Overgrowth
12. Nature's guise
13. Nature's guise
14. Nature's guise
15. Forest Sentinel
16. Overgrowth
17. Forest Sentinel
18. Forest Sentinel
19-25. Stats


Living Armor is maxed ASAP becuase it's your main tanking skill.

Stats is taken in early game becuase it gives you more mana and hp.

Forest Sentinel isn't taken very early becuase your a tank. Although 1 level of it in early game can act as wards.

Overgrowth is taken ASAP becuase it's your main disable.

Nuking build:

*Note: This is the new build which involves taking advantage of his Sentinels.

1. Forest Sentinel 
2. Living Armor
3. Forest Sentinel
4. Nature's guise 
5. Living Armor
6. Overgrowth
7. Forest Sentinel
8. Living Armor 
9. Forest Sentinel
10. Living Armor
11. Overgrowth
12. Nature's guise
13. Nature's guise
14. Nature's guise
15. Stats
16. Overgrowth
17-25. Stats


Living Armor is maxed after Sentinels because its your main nuke/ward .

Forest Sentinelis taken ASAP becuase it's your main nuke.

Overgrowth is taken ASAP becuase it's your main disable.

Nature's guise isn't taken until mid game becuase there aren't that many ganks in early game. But take it at level 4 just in case.

7. Item section:

There are 3 ways to play Tree: Normal (Sort of a combination between a tank and caster), Tanker, and caster. So there will be 3 types of skill build.

8. Good starting items:

Since there are too many starting items that are good on Tree. Just simply pick anything you can afford in this pile of good and basic items!

8.5 Core items:

*Note: There are 3 types of core items. Pick one that your suitable with. 

Tanker Core:


2x Bracers give you good hp mana and agi. Its also a cheap item.

Treads is a must for Tree. More stats, more attack speed. But in late game you can sell treads and get BoT.

Stout shield is required because you are a tank!

Cloak gives you good magic resistance.
The new Urn is a great item on Tree. He will be tanking a lot so some healing item will help.

Caster core:


2x Bracers give you good hp mana and agi. Its also a cheap item.

Treads is a must for Tree. More stats, more attack speed. But in late game you can sell treads and get BoT.

Bottle is gotten because you are a caster, and casters need a lot of mana!

Magic wand is gotten because it allows you to continuosly spam armor and give you good hp regeneration.
TP scroll is gotten because it gives you lane domination in early games and can occasionally save lives.

Normal core:


Bracer give you good hp mana and agi. Its also a cheap item.

A null is gotten because you are both a tanker and a caster. Which will require a lot of both hp and mana.

Treads is a must for Tree. More stats, more attack speed. But in late game you can sell treads and get BoT.

The new Urn is a great item on Tree. He will be tanking a lot so some healing item will help.

Soul ring is a great item combined with Urn. You can instantly gain 150 mana by activating soul ring but loose 150 hp. But then you can easily use Urn on yourself to restore hp! 

TP scroll is gotten because it gives you lane domination in early games and can occasionally save lives.

9. Mid game items(Extentions):


Vanguard is probably one of the best early-mid game tanking item in the entire game. 70%chance to block 40 damage is insane in early-mid game. If you are planning to get Poor Man's Shield then please don't get Vanguard. The damage block from both items stacks but stacks very poorly. So get one or another. Like I said before, Vanguard is great for heroes that are level 6-14. But in late game you might want to switch to +armor items.

Hood is a good anti-nuker item. You might want to get this if there are a lot of nukers. But if there are many disablers then you might want to consider getting BKB. 

Dagger is a must on all Trees. It is the key to landing a perfect Overgrowth and its a great escape tool. Blink+Overgrowth is a deadly combo at all stages of the game.

Necrobook is actually pretty good on Tree. Combined with Overgrowth, its basically GG. Summon your Necros while ultiing and command them to attack the entangled enemies. Watch as they get torn apart by your freaky combo xD.

Hyperstone will work wonders on Tree. It provides him with an insane amount of attack speed. Plus, you can turn this into an Ac later on.

Although Tree is good with Vlads, sometimes your allies will get it for you. If that happens then don't spend 2000g on this. Vlads provides Tree with decent armor and a great lifesteal aura. The Necrs summoned from Necrobook also gets the aura bonus.

10. Late game luxries:


 provides Tree with good amount of armor and gives him monster attack speed. Very good choice.

 Heart gives Tree about 1000(!)hp. This is the ultimate tanking item and I advise all tanking Trees to get this item in late game.

 is another good tanking item. The armor isn't really why its often used. The 200 damage nuke and the slow is! This is a great ganking item as well as a great Anti-DPS item.

 is a very powerful anti-disabler item. Simply activate Avatar and charge into battle. Get this if you have trouble with disablers.

 is undoubtfully the deadliest item for Tree. The refresh CD ability is just insane. 2 ulties=10 second disable! This is not a must item although its one of the best items Tree can buy.

 provides Tree with an awsome disable as well as almost unlimited mana. This item has great synergies with Refresher.

can be used as a powerful silence as well as more damage. The Soul Burn ability is tree's only possible silence!

 could be used for more damage while ulting someone. +60 damage is very high and could become even higher combined with Orchid.

11. Optional Items

 is more of a supporter item. The spell block is great but BkB is simply better.

 is a pure support item. Again, this item could be replaced by BKB. But if you need a anti-nuker item. Then get this!

 is a DPS item. Most DPS Trees don't really have much of a future simply because he dosen't have any DPS skills. But you can still get this if you need some STR/ASPD.

 isn't really that good on Tree. If you combine this with AC, however. Then you will become the beast. 

 is ok I guess. But there are just too many better items. Plus, this item costs a shitload of money.

12. Situational items:

 is an okay farming item. But due to the fact that it cost a lot and people always forgetting to use it it might not be so great after all.

 is sort of an anti-DPSer item. This item gives very poor stats and cost a lot. I wouldn't really buy this item.

 can be used for ganking. But it gives no damage and useless Agi. 

 is ONLY for wind walkers/heroes with invis skills.

13. Rejected items:

 is awful on Tree. Sure, the extra Ms helps you gank. But the Ms bonus is very minimum. The active skill is awful. In my opinion, Cyclone makes a hero invincible and immobile for 2.5 second. What's the point of that? If you want a disab;e then get Guinsoo.

 works horribly with Tree. Tree's Living armor is just awful with Blademail. It gives you more damage reduction but Blademail carriers often requires minimum damage reduction to make Blademail do more damage.

 dosen't really amplifies any damage at all. Plus, the Agi bonus is almost useless.

 cost simply too much. If you have been beyond godlike for an hour or so then you might have enough gold to get this item.

 is useless. You already have an invis skill!

14. Early game strategies:

General strategy:

In early game, your objective is to stay alive. Which is a very easy task for Tree because his Living armor and Nature's guise. Not a lot of people like to get invis-counters in early game so spam Nature's Guise if possible. If you need some lane staying capability then spam armor, and always cast armor on damaged towers since they will restore tower hp too and give it more armor. You shouldn't really be ganking that much until level 6. But if you had obtained a DD rune then feel free to gank. By the way, tried to get some +hp starting items like Ganulet and Circlet, they will help you a lot in early game!

Heroes to watch out for!


 alone isn't really a threat. But if he's spotted with an enemy hero. Then he can do some serious damage. He's rot does mega damage in early game and can hook you back to him. 


Cast Nature's Guise whenever he starts Rotting!

 can push like there is no tomorrow. Watch out if you're laning with him. He can push a tower down in just 5 minutes and he can also trap you with Sprout. 


Harass him back! Spam living armor! Your attack is strong enough to do some serious damage on Furion. Hide behind the trees. When he comes. Attack! Use Guise if you need to run. Eventually he'll ran back to the fountain, giving you lane domination for a while!

 can't do a lot of dmage in early game. But onces he hit level 6 and gets Vlads then beware! He's attack will be too OP for you to handle alone, so get an ally to help you kill him.


Living armor is a great way to fend him off. Level 4 armor gives you about 50% damage reduction which is more than enough to withstand Ursa's attack. Use Guise to run away and use Overgrowth to kill him!

 is famous for her arrow. The only thing that you need to worrie about her is her arrow. Her arrow is slow and dodgeable so dodge it at all costs (by simply moving left or right).


Dodge the arrow!

 can creep pull very well (Sneak in behind the enemy tower before creeps spawn and when creeps spawn, he tanks the creep damage and spin while ally creeps destroy the enemy tower). Tree is a great counter to that. Living armor will counter Axe's spin and plus, Tree does mega damage to Axe.


Try to not get caught up in Axe's spin or Call. Both of them are very dangerous. Use Guise to run away. If creeps are attacking your tower, then simply attack the creeps and they'll follow you. Get a range hero to come to your lane and start harassing Axe!


Harass Axe if you can! If not then get a ranged hero to come to your lane!

 is somewhat a challenging opponent. He can Mana Drain you and stun you. But if you spam armor on yourself you should be fine.

Spam armor on yourself! Bring more healing items!

 is sort of a more sneaky version of Lion. He's mana burn dosen't sting that much, since you have low Int. But he's impale and Urna Swarm is really annoying. 


Harass him! Avoid his annoying beetles. 

 is a more freaky version of NA. It's just impossible to farm with this guys. But there is a useable solution.


Try to get him to Blink away by harassing him whenever possible. Use guise to get away. Whenever he comes up and last hit then harass him. Place a few Sentinels around him to harass him even more. Bring tons of clarity potions.

 can harass very well due to his spear. But he is useless with out a lot of hp. So try to run him out of hp. Place Sentinels the area and harass him to bring down his hp. If uses a healing item than attack it to bring the heal to minimum.


Ran him out of hp! By either via attack or Sentinels

Laning scenarios:

Vs 1 meele:

Your task is very simple. Just last hit and harass! Trei to avoid being ganked and call mias.

Vs 2 meeles:

Again, the task is pretty simple. But there are 2 heros this time so be careful. Use Nature guise to run away and cast armor on yourself if you need a heal.

Vs 1 meele and 1 range:

The meele hero isn't a big deal but beware of the ranged one. He/she will most likely to harass the shit out of you. Play safe, go back to fountain if you need a big heal. I would suggest the use of Healing Salves in this situation.
Vs 2 ranges

Vs 2 ranges means that you have to be really careful when farming. Due to the fact that ranged heros can harass the shit out of meele heroes. So instead of pushing I would saty back and only come up when last hitting. Simply let them push, and when they Push to your tower then cast armor on it.

End of early game strategies 

14.5 Sentinel placing strategies:


15.Mid game strategies:

Mid game is very easy for Tree, he has one of the best ganking skills and ultimate in game and can gank very well.In mid game, you should be ganking a lot. Use Overgrowth to stun and use Nature's Guise to hide. Use blink dagger to land your ultimate. You should probably have gotten your core and ungraded them into extentions by now. If you haven't then I suggest that you kill a few heroes and farm for a while. Anyways, mid game is like food to Tree, everything is very easy. The max death I got in late game was 1.

16.Late game strategies:

There isn't really a general strategy for late game. You have good skills, all of your items are good. You become the tank.... I'm not gonna say much about late game. But please beware of carries!

Good allies/worst enemies:





Mana burners:

17. Rune section:

Double damage:

Gives 2x of your original damage.

DD is one of the best runes for Tree. He can gank early in the game if he obtained a DD. But DD is very rare to find and the duration isn't that good.


Grants the user 100hp and 50 mana regeneration per second for 30 seconds.

This rune is your life saver in early game but sucks in late game. The duration is a little short and this rune will be dispelled when you are attacked. Still, it's a very good rune in early game.


Grants 45 second invisibility.

Useless, you already have Nature's Guise.


Hast is the rune you want to find. n mid and early game DD and Regen will take the spotlight but in late game Haste is the best. This rune can help you gank very well and can save your life! Always keep an eye out for this.


Gives 2 illusions of yourself when used.

Illusion can be a real pain in the @$$ if used correctly. When you get this rune, send an image to the enemy hero and watch as he waste mana on the Illusion! Illusions will help a lot when you land a perfect ultimate.


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