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Monday, October 11, 2010

Guide To Clockwerk Goblin

Alt-Tab mini guide

Skill build:






This is the first guide I write here, and, as you may guess during your read, my first guide in english. I've decided to write about Clockwerk mainly because he is the hero I played the most since I started DotA, almost two years ago. He has been nerfed to the ground twice, and he is currently getting buffed (<3 Icefrog), and even if he is not a popular competitive pick nowadays (like he used to be, especially during 6.61), I never stopped playing him: amazing ganker, fun to use/aim skills, epic model... A great hero overall, and even if there is already nice guides about him (Piejonk did quite a nice job Rattletrap, the Clockwerk Goblin - DotA Guides), I felt like this guide would be a nice addition.

Hero Information

Clockwerk used to be a top tier hero and probably the best ganker in the game when he was introduced, but the nerfs he received, paired with the nerfs on Phase boots and the era of ranged heroes and carries made him fell into the "Not really bad, but not picked" category. However, with the recent buffs on almost all his skills, I believe that clock is now a very viable pick, even if a situational one. Clockwerk can be used as a solo mid or in a sidelane: He is famous for his rune control abilities and his devastating ganks.

24 + 2.4
13 + 1.2
17 + 1.3

• Good starting STR
• Very cheap spells
• Decent base damage and very good animation
• Slightly above average movement speed paired with excellent chasing skills
• Good solo laner, with rune control and csing tool in one spell
• Superb early/mid solo ganker
• Does well with many AOE spellcasters
• Not very item dependent, but benefits greatly from Aghanim's Scepter upgrade
• Long range (Hookshot) and global range (Rocket Flare) spells
• Great map control

• Low stats gain, especially AGI: Clockwerk doesn't scale well into lategame
• Relies on runes to fuel his game: his mana pool is quite bad, even if you consider his cheap spells. He needs the runes to get the mana and score the kills.
• Skills can be a bit tricky to use
• Poor farmer after the laning phase
• No scaling skills


Battery Assault
Discharges high-powered shrapnel from openings in Rattletrap's clockwork upon a random nearby target dealing minor magical damage and ministun every 0.75 seconds. Lasts 10 seconds.

Area of Effect: 275
Manacost: 75
Cooldown: 32 seconds
Duration: 10 seconds
Allowed Targets: Enemy
Effects: Periodically deals 15 damage and ministuns

• Damage type: magical
• Remains active even if Rattletrap is disabled.

Using Battery Assault:
Your bread and butter skill, your main damage source in ganks. This is the skill that makes clockwerk such a feared chaser, especially early game. It ministuns a random target in a 275 AOE around you every 0.75 seconds, acting like a pseudo slow, dealing high amounts of damage and preventing target from using a Town Portal or channeling spells (and in the case of Earthshaker, any spell). Needless to say, this skill works better when your target is alone: obvious synergy with power cogs

Power Cogs
The Clockwerk Goblin ejects pieces of inner core to form a circular barrier around himself, trapping nearby units with him. These cogs require 3 attacks from an enemy to be destroyed before their expiration time. If an enemy unit with mana goes near an element from the outside it gets shocked for some HP and mana and is knocked back. An element powers down if it shocks a unit.

Type: Active
Manacost: 50
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Duration: 3 seconds
Allowed Targets: Enemy unit with mana
Effects: Drains 55 life and mana

• Damage type: magical
• Cogs can shock magic immune and invisible units.

Using Power Cogs:
"You won't escape from me, but I can escape from you": Power cogs. You will mainly use it to trap your poor targets with you during a loooong time (6 seconds at level 4 seems insanely imbalanced when an angry clockwerk is unleashing his spells and attacks on you). It is also an escape skill: you can block ramps and tight points with it: shocking! Note that even it's much more difficult than it was before the cogs remake, you can still cancel opponent TP with it. Lategame, Power Cogs create chaos in teamfights and can be used to isolate squishy disablers/initiators.

Rocket Flare
Fires a fast moving missile at a target area on the map, revealing the targeted area. Upon impact it damages enemy units at a 575 AoE explosion.

Area of Effect: 575
Manacost: 50
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Casting Range: Global
Duration: 10 seconds
Allowed Targets: Enemy unit
Effects: Deals 80 damage. Reveals for 10 seconds.

• Damage type: magical
• Does not kill enemy animal couriers.
• Will stop neutral creeps from spawning near the revealed area.

Using Rocket Flare:
A very good multitask nuke (the damage is not impressive, but the vision and the global range are very, very useful to Rattletrap) : It grants you, in one skill, a decent lasthitting/harassing tool early (It allows you to always score some last hits no matter how scary the opponent lane is), rune control (crucial for a ganker like Clock, one of the most rune dependent heroes in the game), anti clarity/salve tool and scouting abilities (before teamfights, before using hookshot, when an opponent is trying to juke you). You can also abuse the global cast range to kill fleeing opponents on the other side of the map, but this is quite tricky to do and you'll need experience (and luck) to be successful.

Fires a grappling, piston-like attachment at a unit or location. It will latch on the first, non-neutral enemy target it encounters, pulling you to it. Any enemies whom you collide with while being reeled toward the target will take damage and will be stunned. .

Area of Effect 125 (latch)/175 (stun)
Manacost: 150
Cooldown: 70 seconds/15 seconds with Aghanim's Scepter
Casting Range: 2000
Duration: 1 seconds
Allowed Targets: Non-neutral, Enemy
Effects: 100 damage and stun on collision

• Damage type: magical
• Improved version can latch onto allies. The allied unit will not get disabled or damaged, and enemy units will still get damaged and disabled.
• The affected enemy will be paused until the hook retreats.

Using Hookshot:
Your almighty gank initiation tool, later used in teamfights. Even if the numbers are not really impressive, the synergy with Rattletrap skillset is. Your ultimate allows you to surprise opponents, and you are instantly close and personal to unleash your spells: Power cogs and battery assault. When you finally get Aghanim it becomes an escape mechanism with a ridiculous (15 seconds) cooldown.

Some calculations (Courtesy to FunnyWarfare) about the total damage you can deal when ganking lonely hero without hood of defiance/natural magic resitance with your spells (You'll prolly land some physical attacks as well).

Level 1: 146 damage (Level 1 Battery assault)
Level 5: 596 damage (Level 3 Battery Assault + Level 1 Rocket Flare)
Level 7: 866 damage (Level 4 Battery Assault + Level 1 Rocket Flare + Level 1 Hookshot)
Level 16: 1106 damage (Level 4 Battery Assault + Level 4 Rocket Flare + Level 3 Hookshot)

You can notice that Clock is able to deal obscene amounts of damage early/mid, and considering this and his pseudo slow+long range hookshot stun+cogs, Rattletrap is a mortal threat to many heroes. But he gets weaker late game without items.

Skill builds and justifications

Clockwerk skillbuilds are fairly flexible. However, and especially since Rocket has been rescaled, you must max Battery assault, your main damage source, first. There are three serious Rattletrap skillbuilds:

The cookie cutter:

Level 1: Rocket Flare
Level 2: Battery Assault
Level 3: Battery Assault
Level 4: Power Cogs
Level 5: Battery Assault
Level 6: Hookshot
Level 7: Battery Assault
Level 8: Rocket Flare
Level 9: Rocket Flare
Level 10: Rocket Flare
Level 11: Hookshot
Level 12: Power Cogs
Level 13: Power Cogs
Level 14: Power Cogs
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Hookshot

Explanation: This is the most common Clockwerk skillbuild, and you can basically use it every game without taking risks. Both Power Cogs and Rocket Flare are good at level 1, and that early level of cogs is going to help you quite a bit during ganks. This is also the best build against dual stun lanes, provided your lane partner have a ranged disable.

The gambler

Level 1: Rocket Flare
Level 2: Battery Assault
Level 3: Rocket Flare
Level 4: Battery Assault
Level 5: Battery Assault
Level 6: Hookshot
Level 7: Battery Assault
Level 8: Rocket Flare
Level 9: Rocket Flare
Level 10: Power Cogs
Level 11: Hookshot
Level 12: Power Cogs
Level 13: Power Cogs
Level 14: Power Cogs
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Hookshot

Explanation: This is the build you want against some particular heroes mid: agressive laners without disables, like SF or Tinker. The second level of rocket gives you slighty better harass/farming potential early in the game (at level 3), and you basically bet you won't need cogs to kill them, since they won't stun you. This is risky but it may be highly rewarding.

The trilane/First blood attempt

Level 1: Battery Assault
Level 2: Power Cogs
Level 3: Battery Assault
Level 4: Rocket Flare
Level 5: Battery Assault
Level 6: Hookshot
Level 7: Battery Assault
Level 8: Rocket Flare
Level 9: Rocket Flare
Level 10: Rocket Flare
Level 11: Hookshot
Level 12: Power Cogs
Level 13: Power Cogs
Level 14: Power Cogs
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Hookshot

Explanation: With the recent competitives trend of trilanes (Rattletrap is a decent trilaner assuming your partners know what they are doing)/with roamer like VS trying to score a first blood with your help (and the help of your lanemate, obviously), you should consider trying this build: the pseudo slow from battery assault and the decent damage (6.67 Battery buff) are quite effective. Since most trilanes right now have 2 ranges+1 melee, a level of cogs is great for your two lanepartners.

Item builds
Starting item builds (Solo mid/Sidelane)

A very common starting build. Gives you very nice HP for a level 1 hero, decent damage, and plenty of regeneration items. A solid start, and you can get bracers/urn out of gauntlets (or you can just leave them alone, it won't be a drama!)

A variant of the previous build. Less regen, more stats. Decent, but you can't get urn out of the circlets.

Sometimes (Usually in public games), noone will get a chicken (in clanwars/decent level games, your supports buy the chick for you). Clockwerk needs a chicken. Badly. Very badly if he is solo mid, to ferry the precious bottle. You have less stats, less damage and HP, but the chick is really invaluable.

A good start if you expect heavy physical harass on your lane. Stout shield gives you decent damage block: paired with your regeneration items, it should be enough to stand firmly against pesky ranged heroes.

Magic stick as a starting item can be really good against one of the most annoying mid opponents Rattletrap can face: Batrider. Napalm is a very gay spell, but it grants you huge amounts of mana very early in the game (against most other heroes, you can get a stick with your chick a bit later)

This item build goal is to get bottle as soon as possible: you basically only spend 400 gold into starting items, and you only have to farm 400 gold to get the bottle. This can be a really efficient build assuming you know what you are doing.

I still see people playing Clockwerk and going mid (or even worse, to a sidelane) with a naked bottle. This is very, very risky, and will probably fail against a good player: you get no stats to help your vital early last hits and denies, and if you fail to get the first rune, you are basically screwed hard.

Core items

A cheap core, but an effective one. Bottle is gotten first for obvious reason: it gives clock all the mana regen he needs provided he has decent rune control (Easy task considering you have Rocket Flare), and runes are a huge asset when it comes to ganking with Rattletrap.
Magic Wand is a cookie cutter item, viable on almost any hero. Clock, with his low INT gain but cheap spells, is a huge fan of it.
Phase boots are, by far, the best boots available for Clockwerk. The damage is a bit wasted, but less than the AS from Treads, and the burst movespeed/phase ability is invaluable on a hero like clock, who needs to stay up and personal. Sure, the 190 hit points from Treads are not bad, but Clockwerk is not squishy early/mid game even with Phase boots. Boots or travel are just too costly for Rattletrap, and remember that you are not a farmer nor a pusher. Like I said previously, Clock can use his cheap spells on a regular basis with a bottle and decent rune control: you don't need arcane boots, but a support buying them is always welcome.
Urn is viable, but I'm not really a fan of the item. If you started with gauntlets of strenght, feel free to make it.

Extended Core

Aghanim's Scepter gives everything Clockwerk needs: Hit points and mana (Mana>mana regen, considering your low INT gain and dirt cheap spells), and, icing on the cake, Clockwerk's agha upgrade is one of the best in DotA: Ridiculous cooldown reduction (15 seconds is insanely low for such a good ultimate) and ability to target allies (not to stun them obviously, but usually to escape). And you know what? Aghanim's comes in cheap pieces (Point booster only costs 1200 gold), which is just perfect for you and your low farming abilities.

Viable luxuries
In many games, you won't be able to buy these items. But if you are owning/the game is lasting/you are playing -em, then buy these:

Hood of Defiance can be very good on Rattletrap, considering he jumps into the heat of battle and is almost always close and personal when it comes to ganks. Getting Hood means you can withstand more damage for your team, and Pipe is definitely a great upgrade when facing AOE spellcasters (Amazing item vs Lich, Tide, QoP, etc...)

A cheap and effective way to get some mana, some armor and a sadistic way to counter burst damage. When you trapped someone inside your cogs, especially if it is a key hero during a teamfight, you'll get focused, and you'll return huge amounts of damage.

A great item on Clockwerk goblin. Gives you plenty of mana, a nifty blast, helps you tremendously against physical damage (Huge armor boost/-AS aura). Don't forget that Clock has low armor (due to his pitiful AGI gain).

Never ending mana and +10 AGI/STR are always handy, but the main point of Guinsoo is the active: Hex is just invaluable and can turn the tides of a game when used against opponent key heroes.

To be honest, you won't get Radiance every game. The item is hard to farm, especially with Clockwerk, and you can only purchase relic after a long streak of kills (and the game is probably decided by then). But still, if noone is building it in your team, Radiance is a very nice item to have: Huge AOE damage that goes very well with your cog+battery combo. Even disabled, you are still a pain.

Heart of Tarasque is another item you won't buy every game, but the raw Hit points it gives, and the nifty regen when out of fights are very good on almost every Strength hero. Works even better with Hood+Blademail.

Very, very nice bonus stats(HP+Mana), summons goes quite well with your skillset (cogs+Battery) if you can micro them properly. Necrobook gives your counterwarding/pushing potential, but you may find it on cd during ganks with your 15 sec cd ultimate, since you can't take the summons with you when using Hookshot.

Getting raped by a horde of physical attackers? This item can help!

Debatable choices

Vanguard is not that bad on Clockwerk even if it was nerfed (some asians players still build it), but it usually delays your Aghanim's (Point Booster gives nice HP and mana, and can be used to make your precious scepter)

If the game turns into a push/backdoor fest, get Boots of Travels. Simple as that: but most games (99% of the time), Phase is more than enough

Black King Bar: This item allows you to do whatever you want with the victim in your cogs without being interrupted, and the stats it gives are decent. Linken's Sphere gives good stats and regen, and spell block is not bad to have either.
But, when you get these items, it's already late game, and any disable/nuke you eat is a disable your carry won't eat: If some angry Lion impales you and then fingers you after you used your spells, it's almost a victory.

Grants a very nice armor boost, and the auras are nice for the team. But the huge attack speed bonus is wasted on you (You are a ganker/initiator, not a carry), and Shiva's Guard is just better overall.

Rejected items

DPS items. Let your Drow or your Medusa carry them, seriously.

Well... Except when playing a terrible pub (i.e: you want to ks people), don't get this.

You are not in the game to farm.

Guess what? You are not here to support either.

Like I said several times, Clock doesn't need huge amounts of mana: rune control and bottle is enough. Not only soulring is quite useless on Rattletrap, but it also drains your Hit points.

Gameplay walkthrough

Early Game

Clock is a very good solo mid, one of the best melee soloers of the game, along with heroes like Admiral and Beastmaster. If your team put you solo mid, your job is to farm a bottle as soon as possible to establish rune dominance. Don't hesitate to use your regen to grab early creep kills (provided you don't get killed, obviously).

Rocket is a key spell in a 1v1 solo mid situation (Clock, like Kunkka, has problems soloing dual lanes). Never ever last hit with rocket when you can use your attack: it's a waste of mana, and you may need rocket in the next seconds.

Note that clock becomes a real threat from level 5: Level 3 battery hurts really hard early game, and a good rune means death to your mid opponent or to one of his teammates on a sidelane. Your role in the team is to gang as much as possible the sidelanes, and especially the opponent carries.
I can't tell how important it is to keep ganking: you will loose much of your power lategame if you didn't own earlier.

A good part of your gameplay depends on the opponent you are facing. That's why I made a list including the most popular soloers:


Good old Nevermore... Huge nuking potential, good attack animation and range. A skilled Shadow Fiend can be a real pain to face. Your goal when facing SF is to delay him as much as possible: concentrate on denies and last hits even more than usual, because if your opponent manages to get souls fast, you are in some very serious trouble. However, a lvl 5/6/7 clock is a mortal threat for Nevermore. Use the gambler build, try to lower his HP as much as possible (but without scaring him too much), and try to go close and personal. Versus a skilled player, the only way to do this is with a rune (Invis or Haste), with uphill fog or with a good hookshot. The worst thing a Clockwerk can do against Nevermore is getting scared: he'll freefarm and raze you to death. Like in many mid fights, rune control is of utmost importance.


Even if Kunkka is a melee hero, his Tidebringer skill makes him a worthy opponent to face. His cleave hurts (even if Clock has good starting HP) and on top of that he is quite hard to kill considering his decent STR. However, Kunkka does not rely too much on rune control, which means you can usually get a good bunch of them. Try to avoid his cleave whenever it is possible. If you try to kill him (it is possible, especially if you soften him a bit with rocket), try to bait his torrent (and dodge it, duh!) before using cogs: even a braindead Admiral can hit a Clockwerk inside his cogs. Also note that his boat is worthless as long as you keep close and personal.


Rexxar is, in my opinion, one of the most challenging heroes to face mid with Rattletrap. He shares a good part of his gamestyle with you (Melee solo mid with a way to harass/cs, depending on fast bottle and rune control), but, to tell the truth, he is the superior laner, and you'll have a hard time getting runes against his hawk. His pig is a real pain, slowing and harassing you like no tomorrow.
Against Beastmaster, you defintely want to get cogs, because of Primal Roar long disable time (paired with the FREAKING PIG). Try to get rid of his summons before any attempt to kill him, and also try to anticipate the runes, since his hawk is even better than your rockets at scouting them.


A bit like Rexxar has the upper hand against you, you should be able to outlane a Butcher without problems. He relies on runes: you have better rune control with rockets, you are a superior laner, Battery Assault screws him so hard it's not even funny. Basically, if you take care of hooks, you will win: Pudge likes to get close and personal, and you are not asking for anything but that.


Brood is just a nightmare to face with Clockwerk Goblin: Spiderlings are your bane: they prevent you from using Battery Assault effectively, they slow you, and early levels of Rocket Flare are not enough to stop the constant push. Even worse, webs give her movement speed and you must get sentries to have a little chance. If she hits level 6, she can just eat you alive with her ridiculous lifesteal. I highly advise you to swap lanes with someone able to repel Broodmother pushes.


Doombringer is currently one of the best and one of the most popular (Even if he is banned most of the time in -cm games) solo mid heroes. His huge starting damage, usually paired with a Quelling Blade, makes last hitting insanely easy for him. His very high HP+bonus MS spell (you want cogs asap) make him quite hard to kill.
Lucifer plan is usually quite simple: he wants to get level 6 before you, with good farm, to use his (very) high damage combo Doom+LvL? Death.
Facing Doom with Clockwerk is all about knowing the opponent: Try to grab as much last hits as possible, ask for gangs (Doom doesn't really have escape mechs against cogs), and try to keep him away from the runes (A lvl 6 doom with a haste is a CRITICAL threat).
As soon as he is level 6, he'll either:
- Try to kill you: Make sure you are always near full HP, and do not take risks. If you manage to survive his ultimate, try to countergank (assuming you had regen/bottle/a rune) since he'll be short on mana, and without his scary ultimate.
- Try to gank a sidelane: Make sure your teammates know he is here. You can then try to countergank him, once he used his ultimate or if your teammates manage to catch him alone, or gank the other sidelane by yourself


Even if Viper is a rare sight nowadays, he is still one of the best laners in the game, able to orbwalk you to death. Since you are melee, this matchup requires a certain finesse.
Try to grab as many lasthits as possible before he is level 5 (0 cd Orb is an endless torment for Rattletrap), and use rocket to the max. As usual, rune control is key.
Viper two main weaknesses: He is countered by TP scrolls (make sure you can eat 2-3 hits before wasting a TP...), and he is very vulnerable if Clock manages to land an hookshot+cogs (Power cogs are critical here, because he'll try to slow you to death). If you hit him with your ultimate, try to activate battery and land 1-2 hits before using cogs, to get the most out of them


Tinker vs Clockwerk shares many things with Nevermore vs Clockwerk. All of Boush power lies in his offensive abilities: Wicked nuking power and 500 range: you'll probably get outlaned fairly easily.
But Tinker also shares Shadow Fiend weaknesses: he is very vulnerable when Clock manages to get up and personal.
I highly advise you to play Tinker a bit before trying to face him with Rattletrap: unlike SF, his two nukes will always land and they hurt very, very hard. Therefore, you have to know when it is possible to try to kill him, i.e when you can eat Laser+Rocket+2-3 hits without dying (same tricks against Tinker and against SF: use uphill fog, try to get the runes, and concentrate on hookshot. Now matter how you do it, but get close and personal.)


Storm can be tricky to play against: Remnant is a pain to play against with melee heroes, it is quite spammable, and once he is level 6, you won't kill him unless he runs out of mana. However, his disable is a double-edged sword against Clockwerk: It prevents him from doing anything, but it pulls him toward Raijin, and God knows you don't want to pull a clock to you early...
You can make an attempt at killing him at level 5, before he gets Ball Lightning, but it is a risky move since Remnant+Vortex+Overloads really hurts. Ask for some help from a side lane, or pressure Storm allies.
Like vs any semi-carry/ganker mid (SF, Tinker), rune control is key. Both of you are trying to fuel your ganks with the runes, and if you manage to secure them, it is a crucial achievement.


Even with her short range and quite poor early lane control (If early ganks don't bother you, you should be able to get your core/bottle quite fast), Lanaya can be a problem to face with Clockwerk, because:
1) Refraction is quite efficient against rocket harass and gives her a huge damage buff.
2) Like you, TA is a runewhoring monster.
3) Clockwerk hates -armor hero.

Like said previously, early lasthits/denies are not really difficult, but to kill Lanaya you'll need some Dust of appearance/sentries (If you are in a clanwar game, ask your supports) and a good timing if she is level 6 or above. Like Viper, Lanaya will try to use her slow to escape from you, but like Viper she can be killed if you know what your are doing:
- Always get a level of Power cogs at 4. She is not very susceptible to rocket harass anyway.
- If you manage to ult/melee her, try to land as many attacks/battery ticks as possible BEFORE using cogs
- Use cogs (and dust/sentries if she tries to dodge battery with Meld) when she activates a trap, to overcome the uberslow.
- Finish her.


Even if Mirana is not as popular as she used to be in competitive games, she is still a very common pick in public games and you'll most likely face her solo mid from time to time.
Priestress of the Moon is not a really scary opponent for Rattletrap: her low base damage allow you to get the crucial early lasthit with ease and the amount of harass is almost never enough to overcome your regeneration items+fast bottle. Also note that a stout shield does wonders against her.
Laning against her may be fairly doable, but killing her is another story, with her good burst damage+escape mechanisms. The golden rule is: Never use hookshot before she leaps (unless you can finish her instantly with rocket+one attack). Wait for an eventual mistake/a good rune, activate Battery assault, you hookshot when she leaps, and she falls quite fast (However, take care of your HP, Starfall hurts).


Jin'zakk is another very challenging opponent to face. Like you he relies on a slow+early DPS skill(Napalm+Firefly), he can make good use of any rune (make sure to secure them, it greatly helps, and a DD Batrider is no joke). Your main problem against Bat is the fact he will control the lane and the pace of the lane, thanks to his napalm spam (Get magic stick at start or as soon as possible). To counter that, last hit some creeps with your physical attack, go back once he starts stacking napalm on you, last hit with rocket, and come back whenever the sticky oil wears off.
Rinse and repeat, try to catch him offguard with a rune (haste is very useful against Sticky Napalm), but remember that he deals obscene amounts of damage early game, and Firefly is just great to escape a Clockwerk Goblin


Lion is now quite common as a solo mid in competitive games, since EHOME used him at ESWC. Clockwerk is a decent option to face him.
If Lion is a bit skilled, he will usually go for an Impale/Hex build (note: Clock utterly destroys Impale+Mana drain Demon Witch. Just rush him from level 3 with Battery on whenever he impales you and tries to use mana drain, you may score a kill if he doesn't have too much creeps nearby), a fast Bottle+Treads and later Dagger. Laning is not too hard, since Lion is decent at harassing but can't really prevent you from getting creep kills provided you got the usual regen items. Then, as usual, try to get runes with the bottle, and fuel your game.
Nevertheless, killing a skilled Lion is quite hard, especially before your level 6. He has long lasting disables paired with a "lol you went from green HP to death" ultimate, so be really careful when trying to kill him. You have two solutions: A well-aimed ultimate to trap him inside your cogs (He can still disable you, but he can't run away), or if you are not confident, just bait his stun and use hookshot at short range just after.

Mid game
Your are the king of the battlefield, ganking careless heroes and dominating the scene. Your goal is to use your peak to give your team a decisive advantage. Get runes, spot viable targets, commnicate with your allies, and score kills. Some tips:
Mana management is the key

With his cheap spells but low INT gain, clock mana pool can be a bit short to sustain his needs. Therefore, good rune control and proper spell use (see next tip) is very important

Avoid overkill

Don't use ult or cogs on every gank, especially when you have allies with disables with you: Your ult has a quite long cooldown compared to your other spells, and you can always use it if the target is trying to escape death.

Use runes to max effectiveness
Runes are clock oxygene, they fuel his 24/7 gankfest. You have to know how to use each rune to max effectiveness.
Illusion: The rune with the less uses, for Clockwerk at least. It sure refills your bottle (3 bottle charges=225 mana=Hookshoot+Battery Assault=A potential gank), but it doesn't add anything to your ganking powers (except if you manage to block people with them). Use them to scout.
Double damage:This one can prove very good provided you skilled Power Cogs. Without cogs, you'll have a hard time landing physical hits (unless you have a huge ms advantage over the target). With cogs, you can freely whack on the poor victim.
Invisibility:Very nice ganking tool, especially early game. It allows you to play mindgames (bottle it, start going top lane, use invis once you are fogged and try to kill mid or bottom), you can go next to opponent heroes without having to use your ultimates. Overall, a great rune for Rattletrap.
Haste Probably the best rune for Clockwerk; it gives you 522 ms (+pseudo slow from Battery on gank targets), and it means sure death for at least one opponent during early/mid game.

Focus on opponent carries

Even if it looks cool to have a 10-1 score killing Ezalor 8 times and Lion twice, it's actually better to kill a Drow or a Medusa three times. Ezalor will not be a problem later, Medusa will.

Use rocket to scout

Even if you have no opponent in sight, Rocket Flare is still a very useful tool: use it to spot opponent team, scout Roshan, etc...

You are not God

Even if you are a mid game powerhouse, it doesn't mean you are invincible or that you can play without map awareness. You may have problems trying to 1v2 WD+Slardar.

Late game

Your are not the almighty and feared ganker you used to be, it's the era of teamfights and carries, but all hope is not lost for you.

You are not a real initiator

It may be sad, but Clock isn't able to really initiate. He can force teambattles with a well placed ultimate on a hero with bad positioning, but he can't jump first in 5v5 battles. Let Tide or Magnus do that for you.

Your role in teambattles is to get rid of a key hero

This is of utmost importance: your role is to hookshot a crucial opponent (avoid fed DPSers since they rape you if you are trapped with them). You aim for two kinds of heroes: disablers (Lion/Rhasta/Bane) and initiators (Earthshaker, Tide)

Use Rocket to scout all the time

This is also one of Rattletrap strenghts late game: He gives map control with constant use of Rocket Flare. This can help your team tremendously.

Abuse your 3000 range 15 seconds cd ultimate

With Aghanim's Scepter, Hookshot is just insanely powerful, especially if you managed to get some mana item (Shiva's Guard/Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse). You can pick off lone heroes, and escape from ganks provided you don't panic

Noticeable synergies

Strong lane partners:

With them on your team, you can safely go on a sidelane and start the show very early.

Twin Head Dragon

He makes a great lane partner (Battery+Dual Breath hurts), even if he may lack some range, and you help him to land good ultimates with your cogs.

Witch Doctor

One of the best lane partners, he can heal you, he can disable them from afar, he increases your damage with Maledict, and his Ward works wonders with cogs.


You like the new guy: ranged disable, he clears the creep very fast for Battery, and he can't miss a Call Down with your help and Power Cogs.

AOE with a setup time

They can't move while they are trapped in cogs, they can only scream when they see the boat or the requiem coming.


They jump first, and then you can safely follow and pick a target. They make your life easier late game.

Ranged carries

You keep the guys pinned down, you eventually eat some disables/nukes, and your carries kill everything in sight. Any questions?

Annoying opponents/Walking food

Illusions/Manta Style

They are the perfect counter to Battery Assault, they make hookshots harder. You don't like them!


They come to the battlefield with their entire family, their dog, two cats and a dirty pig that slows you. You don't like them, for the same reasons you don't like illusions.


I believe this item was created to make Clockwerk Goblin's life harder. You work hard to trap people inside your cogs, but this stupid item pushes them out. Like you would do with blinkers, keep your ultimate ready until they use it and proceed to explain them kindly how unpolite it is to use this. With a huge hook.

Beefy heroes/Hood of Defiance

You already have troubles killing them early game, and it get even worse later on. Hood of Defiance reduces all your spells damage, and therefore your effectiveness.


With you around, these guys are taking risks everytime they are not butthugging an ally.

Channeling spells

Your opponents can't channel anything when Battery assault is activated.


He can't do anything at all with Battery assault nearby.

Squishy carries

You live (Even if you are a mechanical goblin) to track them.


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