First and foremost; Gondar is a pure ganker and roamer once he reaches level 6, thanks to his lovely skill Track. In short, the Bounty Hunter has 3 nukes - 2 which are physical-based(Wind Walk and Jinada) while the third one is magical-based(Shuriken). Wind Walk is perfect for roaming, scouting, warding and initiating during a gank. Jinada comes equip with a critical and maim which will aid in ganking. Shuriken Toss is a ranged nuke that possesses a mini-stun, perfect for finishing off an enemy with low health out of attack range. And last but not least, what makes Gondar a bounty hunter - Track. This sexy skill makes ganking your job and definitely worth it. Gives bonus MS aura and true sight vision for you and your allies while decreasing the target's armor. And best of all - this shit gives you bonus cash regardless of how the target dies. Just remember, this is how Gondar makes his income and gets money. You do NOT farm creeps, neutrals or last-hit heroes. Pros: [+] Above average base movespeed(315). [+] You counter invisible heroes(Track). [+] Above average sight vision during night(1000). [+] You counter channeling skills(Shuriken Toss). [+] You receive greater bonus gold without last-hitting heroes(Track). [+] Not very item dependent. [+] Wind Walk allows you to escape many situations where no true sight is present. Cons: [-] Mana issues early on. [-] Fragile. [-] No AoE, not as effective in clashes, can only focus on one target at a time. [-] Terrible lane presence. |
Skills: Shuriken Toss The Bounty Hunter throws a shuriken at a target unit, dealing damage. [Level 1] - 100 Damage [Level 2] - 200 Damage [Level 3] - 250 Damage [Level 4] - 325 Damage Cooldown: 10 Seconds. Mana Cost: 90/115/135/155 Casting Range: 650 Shuriken Toss is a medicore nuke in DotA's pool, but it is a solid one with Gondar's skill set. If you see an enemy channeling a dangerous skill, nuke them with Shuriken Toss ASAP(Ex: CM blinks in and ulties, you Shuriken Toss on reaction). Lots of Bounty Hunter players like to last-hit and kill-steal with this nuke, do not make the same mistake. Only exception I would go for a killsteal is if I'm with a support hero like Dazzle or Venge who do not need the money. But if there is a carry like Sven or Nevermore nearby, make sure you give them the kill if they can get it(Afterall, Track gives you your money). Last but not least, always make sure you have enough mana for this nuke when the time counts. --- Jinada Passively adds a critical strike and maim to Bounty Hunter's next attack, has a cooldown. Slows for 25% attack and movement speed at all levels. [Level 1] - 1.4x critical multiplier. [Level 2] - 1.6x critical multiplier. [Level 3] - 1.8x critical multiplier. [Level 4] - 2.0x critical multiplier. Passive Ability Jinada is Gondar's other dangerous nuke which is based on physical damage. The best part about this skill is that it scales the entire game, so you will be dishing out hard hits later in the game as well as early game. The slow it grants is great for aiding in ganks. Pop out of Wind Walk, maim them, Track, then finish the target off with your allies. --- Wind Walk Turns invisible for a period of time. Deals bonus backstab damage. Transition time decreases per level. [Level 1] - 30 backstab damage, lasts 15 seconds. [Level 2] - 60 backstab damage, lasts 20 seconds. [Level 3] - 90 backstab damage, lasts 25 seconds. [Level 4] - 120 backstab damage, lasts 30 seconds. Cooldown: 15 Seconds. Mana Cost: 50 Wind Walk is one of the perfect skills for initiating undetected during a gank. It is also very useful for roaming passed the other teams common ward spots and warding yourself. This skill can also be used as an escape mechanism but do not rely on it too much, because it is easily countered by dust, true sight, and AoE abilities. The backstab damage it gives is also a small aid in your physical burst damage. --- Track (Ultimate) Tracks an enemy hero for 30 seconds or until it dies. Allied units near the tracked target gain 20% movement speed increase. If the target dies, Bounty Hunter gets bonus gold. [Level 1] - 75 bonus gold, reduces target's armor by 1. [Level 2] - 150 bonus gold, reduces target's armor by 3. [Level 3] - 225 bonus gold, reduces target's armor by 5. Cooldown: 10/7/5 Seconds. Manacost: 70/60/50 Casting Range: 750/950/1150 Aura Range: 800 (Allies within this range of the tracked target get the movement speed bonus) Ah, Track. This is what makes Gondar a bounty hunter and is a skill you will soon love to use. Track gives true sight of the target, gives 20% bonus MS to allies nearby, decreases the target's armor and gives Gondar bonus gold regardless of how it dies. Remember in priority to tracking you will want to aim for invis heroes, blinkers, and any good jukers before you start tagging away mindlessly with track. Hero Track Priority: 1.) Invisibility: Priority: High When you are around any enemy heroes with invisibility, you make sure their ass is instantly tracked upon sight. 2.) Blinkers: Priority: Medium Blinkers are excellent jukers and difficult to chase and spot, so make sure they are tracked. 3.) Miscellaneous: Priority: Low If there are no invisible or blink heroes present, make sure these heroes are tracked. |
Skill Build: Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: Level 5: Level 6: Level 7: Level 8: Level 9: Level 10: Level 11: Level 12: Level 13: Level 14: Level 15: Level 16: |
Item Build: Starting Items: Level 1-5: OR OR Two sets of tangos are taken for health regeneration during the laning phase. Two clarity potions are taken for your mana needs. Three branches are taken for early stats and will be turned into magic wand later. Slipper is taken for a small boost in damage and will be turned into a wraith later on. Make sure to ask if anyone on your team is going Urn of Shadows, if no one is, take a Gauntlet of Strength instead, which will be used to create Urn of Shadows later on. If you're an avid quelling blade user on melee heroes, it can be gotten on Gondar as well to make last-hitting creeps easier. --- Early Mid Game: Level 6-10: OR OR OR Around this time you should have your wand by now, two wraith bands, a bottle or Urn of Shadows, boots, and last but not least, a set of wards. These wards priority will be used on your enemies jungle to prevent their carrry from farming freely. Also, if your support(s) can handle all the warding and you find yourself without having to ward at all, be free to take a void stone or ring of health to form a perseverance with the extra cash you have. --- Mid Game: Level 11-15: OR Your phase boots should be complete for mid game. Why phase boots you ask? Because the damage boost it gives is all going into your Jinada beefing it up. You should also have a Mithril Hammer around this time, make sure to save this for Desolator. Don't forget to keep your enemies jungle warded as well. --- Late Game: 16-25: OR If the game drags into this long, make sure you have Desolator and MKB complete. Vlads is taken to boost up your carry if he is melee and if no other support is going vlads. Perserverance can be upgraded into Battlefury if Vlads is not needed. Remember to also sell your phase boots for travels for the mobility. Heart or Butterfly are 100% complete luxury, do not expect to get them under any other circumstance. |
Best Allies and Worst Foes: Best Allies: [+] Gankers: Make sure to always have an ally ganker with you when ganking and to avoid ganking alone as much as possible. Heroes with stuns, disables, and nukes are perfect for this job. [+] Support: Support heroes who can restore your mana and health are greatly appreciated and make your life so much easier. Less fountain trips means more ganking, roaming, and scouting. --- Worst Foes: [-] True Sight: Enemy heroes with true sight completely counter Gondar's stealth which is a big blow. Try to stay away from them when you know you're vulnerable. [-] Burst Damage: Due to Gondar's low STR, burst damage is very dangerous and will often be the cause of your death. You need to be extremely careful when around these heroes, as their combos can instantly wipe you out. [-] Disablers: Disablers are another major threat when playing Gondar. All it takes is usually one or two(at most), to finish you off. |
Ganking: When to hunt: It's highly recommended and best to start your ganking-spree once you reach level 6. After you have Track skilled, you will be ganking and roaming non-stop until the game comes to an end. If you do not have your bottle or urn by this time, have your crow bring you an extra clarity or tango if needed. Make sure to have some wards with you when you roam pass their jungle so you can make sure their carry will be spotted if trying to jungle. --- The Prey: Hardcore Carries: Priority: High Your job above all: is to make sure their carry does not farm freely and to gank them as much as possible. Always remember; it doesn't matter how much times you ganked that Crystal Maiden when that Phantom Lancer has farmed up and is destroying your base. Know your priorities and have them on lock. Semi-Carries: Priority: Medium Heroes who can semi-carry are your next victims. Always keep an eye and be aware of who on the opposing team is able to semi-carry. If their carry has just been ganked and you're looking for a new target, semi-carries will be your main focus. Fragile Easy Gold: Priority: Low There will be a few opportunities when you are roaming and there will be an easy target spotted for some quick cash. You may gank them with your allies and gain some extra gold. But please, do not spend most of your time looking to gank fragile heroes who are not carries. They are only there to derail your focus and should never ever receive your full attention. |
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