The Map:
*Wards with runesight
*Wards to block creepcamps
*Wards to grant sight of keypoints
*Wards with basesight
So let's continue with a closer look on how much vision each ward actually grants. Every ward tells a Tale and each Tale is part of a strategy.
Rune wards a-m
Bottem Rune
a. Scourge Roshan Bottem RuneWard
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- Keypoints: "Roshan", Lower Rune, Bottem Sight For Mid lane
Having opponents who might for an early Roshan, or if you fear that one of the more closer wards by the rune are Counterwarded. Not willing to spend the time to walk to a better wardplace since time is money. Ward this during early game or during the time that roshing becomes viable for either party.
The tale of this ward:
Your teams expects a Early Roshan, has bottem rune sight, and your mid lane is hard to gank from bottem lane. You also plan to runewhore ofcourse. Defensive Scourge ward, near useless for Sentinel
b. Scourge High Hill RuneWard
-Keypoints:"Roshan", Lower Rune spawn, Bottem River
This one is inferior to the one at the sentinel side, so you place this ward when you really need this ward. This ward can be set from a save distance if the enemy team is planning to team up for roshan playing Scourge that is. You also plan to runewhore ofcourse.
The tale of this ward:
You take a lot of interest in this small area. Since this ward is considerd a last resort ward.
c. Sentinel High Hill Rune Ward
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-Keypoint: "Roshan", Lower Rune spawn, A large part of Sentinel Jungle, two crossroads, a large piece of the river. This ward is the most common used ward for a reason, it grants vision a lot of keypoints.
The tale of this ward:
You do not want to be ganked, and plan to runewhore ofcourse. On top of this it gives some safety on a possible jungler
d. Sentinel Jungle Rune Ward
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-Keypoints: "Roshan", Lower Rune Spawn, A small but vital Part of the Sentinel Jungle, 3 Crossroads.
When you plan To jungle in the sentinel Jungle this ward gives a lot of safety since this single ward grants sight on half of the entrances to your jungle.
The tale of this ward:
You plan to Jungle in this jungle, Even though it's a rather small amount of vision it gives it can be considerd one of the best ward available. It's Defensive ward.
e. Sentinel Sidestep Runeward
-Keypoints:Bottem Rune, Entire Wood next to bottem Lane. When your bottem lane might be ganked or your enemy is in the sentinel woods. If you destroy that tree, it grants even more sight. But it might spoil the location of your ward. When either Faction might plan to push Bot this ward grants alerts of incoming Enemies
The tale of this ward:
You do not want bottem lane to be ganked, Your fear their jungler. And you plan to runewhore yet again. It's a Defensive Ward. Either Faction might plan to push Bot 1st tower.
f. Sentinel Creepcamp Runeward
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-Keypoints: "Roshan",Bottem Rune Spawn, The River"
When you want runesight, the sight is okay it can be used occaisonaly it's a better hidden ward in general
The tale of this ward:
You want to runewhore, you don't want this ward to be found easely alias you know your enemie will counterward the more obvious spots. Type: Defensive
g. Sentinel High Hill Creep Ward
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-Keypoints: "Roshan",Bottem Rune Spawn, Mediocre Creep Camp.
When your opponent is planning to jungle in the sentinel Forest, you can block that strong creep camp with this ward
The tale of this ward:
You might try to hunt your opponent that is jungling, And you plan to runewhore ofcourse. Wardtype: Agressive
h. Sentinel Strong Camp Ward
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-Keypoints: "Roshan",Bottem Rune Spawn, Mediocre Creep Camp.
When your opponent is planning to jungle in the sentinel Forest, you can block that strong creep camp with this ward
The tale of this ward:
You want to runewhore, and expect to delay your opponents jungler. Type: Very Aggresive
Top Rune
i. Scourge River Ward
-Keypoints: Top Rune Spawn, Sentinel River, Uphill Scourge Lane. During early game this is a great ward when the Sentinel is playing Shadow Fiend and alike. Near Useless for the scourge
The tale of this ward:
You want a rune ward, and need sight on the scourge's half on middle lane, Type: Defensive Sentinel
j. Scourge Toprune Hill ward
-Keypoints: Top Rune Spawn, 2 Scourge Jungle Entrances, the river. This ward remains a good wardspot from early to mid game, after both the first tower on Top and mid Lane have been pushed it's only good for runesight.
The tale of this ward:
Sentinel Wants to hunt in the jungle of the Scourge, Scourge wants to jungle. Neither Faction wants to be ganked on Top, though both Factions plan to runewhore.
k. Sentinel Toprune Hill
-Keypoints: Top Rune Spawn, a lot of river.
Use this when your opponent is counterwarding, and when you need to swap around for a runespot
The tale of this ward:
You have high interests in the rune, and know that your enemie is counterwarding.
l. Sentinel Ancient Camp Ward
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-Keypoints: Ancient Camp, Top Rune Spawn, A lot of river, and Sentinel Jungle roads.
This is a great ward, it's good from early game untill the first and maybe even after the 2nd tower from the sentinel has been lost. A lot of flee routes after teamfight on Mid have been covered by this ward as well. When you Plan To push mid as Scourge this Ward is optional but there are better spots available. When the sentinel needs a Runeward but does not want to leave mid lane this is a good ward.
The tale of this ward:
You plan to runewhore, Sentinel Might be planning to Stack Ancients, Scourge might want to interrupt with the AncientStacking. Scourge might Plan to push Mid. Sentinel Does not want to leave mid lane, but needs a Rune ward
m. Sentinel River Ward
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-Keypoints: Top Rune Spawn, Sentinel uphill sight, Scourge river.
Best used during early game, for either party, when scourge wants to push mid this one is optional but there are better alternatives for that matter.
The tale of this ward:
Scourge needs a uphill ward on Mid lane for laning, Sentinel needs a runeward but does not want to leave mid lane.
Forest wards 01-19:
Sentinel Forest: 01-04
01. Sentinel Uberward
-Keypoints: a large portion of the sentinal Jungle, a strong creep camp.
When the scourge is planning to push sentinel 2nd tower on either mid or bottem lane. Or when either Faction just wants a lot of sight on the Sentinel Jungle. Though there are better options for this.
The tale of this ward:
Sent is expecting Scourge to Push the 2nd tower on mid or bot, Scourge is planning to do so. Type: Sent(Defensive), Scourge(Aggresive)
02. Sentinel Jungle Ramp
when you want to have sight on the crossing point from mid to bottem lane at the sentinel and suspect your enemies of scouting roshan. Most of the time the first tower on bottem lane will be lost by the sentinel by the time this ward is placed.
The tale of this ward:
Being the sentinel you're expecting the scourge to push from either bot to mid lane or the other way around. Being the scourge you want to secure your pushes and want to obtain vision of some crucial area's of the sentinel Jungle.
03. Sentinel Central Jungle
When the scourge plans to push the second tower on the bottem lane, when either party requires vision of the sentinel jungle.
The tale of this ward:
Scourge is planning to push the second tower on the bottem lane, also both parties are taking interest in vision of the jungle but not in obstructing usage of it.
04. Sentinel Mid Lane Jungle
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When the scourge is planning to push the mid first tower, or when scourge is permaganking the mid lane from the sentinel woods
The tale of this ward:
Scourge is planning to push the 1st tower on the middle lane, or Sentinel mid lane is getting permagank from the forest.
Scourge Forest: 05-10
05. Scourge Central Jungle Ward
When either party wants vision of the scourge jungle it shows a lot of keypoints in the. As well as this grant some safety at the mid Scourge laners and top Scourge laners but don't place it being the scourge untill your first top tower has been lost though.
The tale of this ward:
Sentinel want vision of a some keypoints in the scourge jungle, Scourge either wants to defend it's jungler or expects the sentinel to push the second tower
06. Scourge Uberward
When being pressured as the scourge and want to defend your jungler/2nd top tower. It's an awsome ward for the sentinel to hunt down their jungler and to show many keypoints on the map enemies scourge heroes pass this area a lot. It's the best ward available in my honest opinion.
The tale of this ward:
Well it's the uberward for a Reason it's shows the Scourge Forest, it's a great ward from the 2 minutemark. It's shows weaklingcreeppulls, 2 creep camps and the Scourge second tower.
07. Scourge Hillward
When Sentinel is planning to push mid first and second tower this actually applies for both Factions, or when Scourge mid laners keep getting buttfucked from the scourge forest.
The tale of this ward:
Scourge is receiving a lot of buttfucks in mid lane from the Scourge woods, Sentinel is (expected to) push mid first and second towers.
08. Scourge Hillward Entrance
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When Sentinel is planning to push mid first and it's important to see who's coming from the river over who's inside the jungle. This actually applies for both Factions, or when Scourge mid laners keep getting buttfucked from the scourge forest.
The tale of this ward:
Scourge is receiving a lot of buttfucks in mid lane from the Scourge woods, Sentinel is (expected to) push mid first tower and is buttfucking mid from top rune river and scourgejungle
09. Scourge Hillward Exit
Being sentinel when you're planning to push the second mid tower, or when pushing the first tower you want to know what the scourge is doing behind their towers. Also when sentinel is pressureing the 2nd mid tower and Scourge is forced behind it's tower sentinel gathers up this hill or leaves through it.
The tale of this ward:
Sentinel is planning/expected to push mid
10. Scourge Secret Rosh Entrance
When you require sight of the secret shop both Factions, When sentinel is planning to push second bot tower, When sentinel is permabackstabbing Sentinel mid lane from the secret shop(first tower has to be down), when Scourge is stacking ancients, when Sentinel is permabackstabbing bottemlane
The tale of this ward:
Scourge is stacking ancients or takes interest in the secret shop, and expect activity at the bottem 1/2 towers, or ganks/teamfights at the second tower on the middle
Creepspawn Blocking wards: 12-19
Sentinel Jungle: 11-14
11. Sentinel UberBlock Ward
Sentinel when the scourge is jungling in your jungle, and when being forced to stay defensive, at the lower and mid lane but in general sent never uses the creepblockward, Scourge when sent is jungling, this ward fucks up 1 pulling option, as well. Note: This ward can be placed from 3 places the Furions and where the map is.
The tale of this ward:
Scourge is not allowing sent to pull the strong creep camp or stack it, Sent is being defensive at the lower and bottem lane. Scourge is expected to push bot 2nd tower or 2nd tower on mid. Neither party wants to see the camps stacked.
12. Sentinel Creeppull Block Ward
Scourge places this ward when the sentinel are pulling this camp to their lane. Mark the x:15 and x:45 moments for hunting them.
The tale of this ward:
Sentinel is pulling this lane.
13. Sentinel Central Block Ward
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When you know the opposing team is farming your jungle.
The tale of this ward:
You are aware of your opponent jungling the sentinel jungle and seriously plan to make it your bitch every couple of minuts
14. Sentinel Hidden Block Ward
When your ward blocking the creeppull camp has been found and you take very high interest in blocking this area, it's not the best ward for vision and it's mainly and basicly only purpose it to block that creepcamp from spawning
The tale of this ward:
Sent creeppullcamp is not gonna be pulled and it's a high priority
Scourge Jungle: 15-18
15. Scourge Creeppull Ward
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Sentinel places this ward when the Scourge is pulling these creeps to their lane. Mark the x:15 and x:45 moments for hunting them.
The tale of this ward:
Scourge is pulling creeps and the sentinel does not want them to do so.
16. Scourge Strong Camp Ward
Scourge places this ward when the sentinel is pulling these creeps into their lanes, also the sentinel can place when the scourge pulls them but that won't happen to often though. Either part could and sometimes should ward this place if both Top lane has opposing junglers and a lot of Gankers nearby.
The tale of this ward:
The other party is ganking here or pulling those creeps all the time
17. Scourge Creeppull Block Ward
Sentinel places this ward when the Scourge is pulling these creeps to their lane. Mark the x:15 and x:45 moments for hunting them. But both parties can also use this ward to check incoming heroes from the river.
The tale of this ward:
No Creeppulls by the scourge and vision on the river is required to maintain control
18. Scourge Hidden Block Ward
When Sentinel has no more options to secure this spot from being pulled.
The tale of this ward:
Sentinel does not want scourge to pull this creepcamp they take high value in making sure it won't happen
Lane Wards: A-R
Top Lane: A-E
A. Sentinel Top Second Tower Ward
Sent places this ward when they are afraid of the scourge backstabbing them at their 2nd tower, as wel as mantaining sight on this area due to heavy pressure on the middle lane near their base.
The tale of this ward:
It doesn't really tell much it's an occaisonal ward there might be activity expected in this area though.
B. Sentinel Top First Tower Ward
Sentinel places this ward when the scourge keeps backstabbing the 1st tower, Scourge places this ward when planning to push the 2nd tower in this lane
The tale of this ward:
Scourge plans to push the second tower in this lane, Sent is fed of with being butfucked at toplane
C. Sentinel Top Lane Ward
When the scourge plans on farming this lane.
The tale of this ward:
Scourge wants to be alerted of incoming sentinel heroes while farming this lane.
D. Scourge Top Lane Ward
Sentinel places this ward when laning, since the fog can be abused by the scourge in either lasthitting moments and stuff this ward can also be used to spot how far they are behind the trees. It also alerts on inteleporting ScourgeHero when the waveclashing is a little more towards the sentinel towers.
The tale of this ward:
Sentinel Plans on Farming and perhaps pushing the first tower on Top Lane
E. Scourge Top Creeppull Ward
When the scourge keeps getting aid on the top lane, as well as they are pulling creeps but sent isn't sure whether they plan to pull scourge creeps to push the tower or wait a little longer.
The tale of this ward:
Scourge is towerhugging all the time and turning 2 v 2 into 2 v 3 options every now and then, as well as they might pull creeps and the sentinel is aware of that. Sent hasn't decided whether they push the tower or not.
Mid Lane: F- M
F. SentinelBase Mid Entrance Ward
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Scourge Places this ward when they plan on pushing into the sentinel base, and want to lure the sent out of their base before. It's a ward to set up a teamfight.
The tale of this ward:
Scourges tries to lure the sent out of their cave. And after winning that teamfight they plan on raxing Mid
G. Sentinel Mid Hill Ward
Either faction can place this ward when the scourge is planning to push the 2nd tower on the middle lane.
The tale of this ward:
The chances are that sentinel defences have to come in from top lane or scourge jungle as well as that both parties have heroes like pudge on this hill to take out one enemy. Either way activity is expected around the 2nd tower from the Sentinel at the middle lane. But it's also shows vision on activity of the ancient creepstack as well as incoming ganks from mid to top lane by the scourge, as well as the secret shop.
H. Sentinel Mid Laning Ward
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Scourge places this ward during the early stages of the game to maintain vision on the middle lane as well as uphill sight during the lasthitting/denying fight.
The tale of this ward:
Scourge is planning to farm on mid
I. Sentinel Mid River Ward
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When either party is planning to farm mid, and the opposing team is getting aid from the Sentinel jungle for ganks and stuff.
The tale of this ward:
Plans are to farm mid and trying to avoid being ganked from the sentinel woods, this ward ensures uphill sight on both lanes.
J. Scourge Mid LaningWard
When sentinel is planning to farm mid, and requires sight uphill on the scourge mid lane creeps as well. Most likely used during the early moments of the game when the lasthitting and denying moments matter a lot.
The tale of this ward:
Sentinel is planning to farm on mid, scourge might plan to push it. Scourge is ganking mid.
K. Scourge Mid Riverward
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It's never a ward to be placed in high priority, but if you need to swap around a lot due to some excessive counterwarding. Scourge should place this ward to be able to see up the river ramp and incoming allies from the sentinel woods. Sentinel could use the ward to be alerted of backstabbing gankers on the mid lane it also grants a small amount of vision up the scourgeramp though it's highly questionable. When scourge plans to push mid this ward can be usefull and an okay ward but there are other and most of the time better alternatives.
The tale of this ward:
It's important wards are swapped around a lot, Scourge is ganking mid from the sentinel woods. Scourge plans to push mid.
L. Scourge Mid Entrance Ward West
Sentinel Places this ward when they are planning to push the mid second tower, or when that tower had been pushed it's a good ward to keep track of scourge activities around their base
The tale of this ward:
Sentinel is planning to push mid, and wants to be sure that they are aware of incoming Scourge heroes. As well as where they run of to after a possible teamfight in mid. This ward also keeps vision on the exit and surroundings of the Scourge base which can be extremely usefull.
M. Scourge Secret Shop Ward
When you know your enemy has been farming for a long time for a expensive item, and you just love to gank people on their way buying their items. As well as after all 1st towers have been pushed on the scourge terretory this ward is good for aggresive sentinel or Defensive Scourge.
The tale of this ward:
Some one is gonna get facefucked when he's going to get his Expensive items, Both parties try to keep track of their enemies on the scourge area.
N. Scourge Base MidEntrance East
Sentinel Places this ward when they are planning to push the mid second tower, or when that tower had been pushed it's a good ward to keep track of scourge activities around their base
The tale of this ward:
Sentinel is planning to push mid, and wants to be sure that they are aware of incoming Scourge heroes. As well as where they run of to after a possible teamfight in mid. This ward also keeps vision on the exit and surroundings of the Scourge base which can be extremely usefull.
Bottem Lane: O-S
O. Sentinel Bot Second Tower Ward
Scourge can place this ward when they plan to push the bottem lane 2nd tower
The tale of this ward:
It is one of the more and so called Horrible wards, but heck sometimes it's usefull if your only focus is this area place it vision remains an allie worthy enough to eat the last cookie. Anyway Scourge is definantly gonna push the 2nd tower on bot lane.
P. Sentinel Bot First Tower Tailward
Scourge places when they want to know what's happening behind the 1st bottem tower and they most likely want to push it as well
The tale of this ward:
Scourge needs sight on the backside of the 1st bottem tower and will most likely try to push it
Q. Sentinel Bot First Tower Bellyward
Scourge places this ward when they are constantly lasthitting/denying close to the first tower this ward grant sight on the creeps and cancels fogrunners for stuns, as well as they might plan to push this tower.
The tale of this ward:
Scourge plans to farm this lane or push the bottem first tower.
R. Sentinel Bot Laning Ward
Sentinel wants to be alerted of incoming Scourges, as well as when they might plan to push this lane though there are better alternatives
The tale of this ward:
Sentinel fears incoming ganks and scourgemembers and needs to be alerted of them. They might plan to push this tower.
S. Scourge Bot First Tower Tailward
Sentinel places this ward when they plan to push the scourge 1st and optional 2nd tower and want to be aware of what is behind the scourge towers
The tale of this ward:
Sentinel plans to push Bottem 1st and perhaps second tower.
T. Scourge Bot Second Tower Bellyward
Sentinel places this ward when they plan to push scourge 1st and optional 2nd tower and also want to be aware of scourgemembers behind their towers they might as well plan a occaisonal gank on this lane from behind the tower, Scourge might place this ward when they are keep getting skullfucked from behind at their first tower.
The tale of this ward:
Scourge fear to be skullfucked from behind the 1st tower, and Sentinel plans to push the 1 and perhaps even the second tower.
Base Wards: I-VIII
Sentinel Base: I-V
I. Sentinel Top Base Entrance Ward
Even though all base wards aren't really a must. Scourge can place this ward when they plan to basepush top lane, to set up this war you might need to walk inside the sentinal base for a short moment, but uphillvision is quite important if you can't lure them out.
The tale of this ward:
Scourge is gonna basepush Top.
II. Sentinel North Base Ward
Even though all base wards aren't really a must. Scourge places this ward when they plan to push mid or bot lane. Or just need to know where the sentinel are hiding in their base.
The tale of this ward:
Scourge is gonna basepush sent bot or mid
III. Sentinel North-East Base Ward
Even though all base wards aren't really a must. Scourge places this ward when they plan to push mid or top and want sight on the sentinel base during this proces.
The tale of this ward:
Scourge is gonna basepush mid or top
IV. Sentinel East-North Base Ward
Even though all base wards aren't really a must. Scourge places this ward when they want sight on the base of the sentinel when they plan to push Bot or Mid
The tale of this ward:
Scourge is gonna basepush Mid or bot
V. Sentinel East Base Ward
Even though all base wards aren't really a must.
The tale of this ward: Scourge places this ward when they plan to push Bot
Scourge is gonna basepush Bot
Scourge Base: VI-VIII
VI. Scourge North Base Entrance Ward
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Even though all base wards aren't really a must. Sentinel can place this ward to have sight when they plan to basepush Top.
The tale of this ward:
Sentinel is gonna basepush Top
VII. Scourge West Base Entrance Ward
Even though all base wards aren't really a must.Sentinel can place this ward when they plan to basepush Mid
The tale of this ward:
Sentinel is gonna basepush Mid
VIII. Scourge East Base Entrance Ward
Even though all base wards aren't really a must. Sentinel can place this ward when they plan to base push mid
The tale of this ward:
Sentinel is gonna basepush Mid
VIII. Scourge South Base Entrance Ward
Even though all base wards aren't really a must. Sentinel can place this ward when they are planning to basepush Bot
The tale of this ward:
Sentinel is gonna basepush Bot
Last words:
The trick in good warding is that you can make sure your enemies are unable to gank you, with the minimum amount of gold wasted on wards. It doesn't matter if it's aggresive or defensive usage of wards it all comes down to see your enemies. Try not to stick with the same wardspots all your games but swap around that makes it a lot harder to find and spot your wards by counterwarders. Special thanks to Eumellein, Heldarion, SNOW37 and nyu for this section
The Secret art of CounterWarding
Vision is your strongest allie but also your biggest enemie in 50% of the games, so how do you fix this problem? Indeed getting rid of your opponents vision to remain unseen on their radar this helps a lot for your gankers since they can more easely suprisebutsecks enemies. It also forces your opponents to play more defensive since they will be forced to either take big risks or suffer the results. To be a great counterwarder you ought to have supreme map awarenes. But some awsome luck is never wrong either.
Things that ease the job of counterwarding.
- Seeing your enemy putting up their wards by your own wards or invisible/scouting (allies), keep in mind that the casting range of wards is smaller than 800 AoE. So basicly if you place your sentrie ward exactly where the enemy stood when he placed the ward, you should be able to see where their ward was placed so keep track of your enemies, in order to get of their radar.
- Using a Gem of Truesight, keep in mind a gem costs 700 gold so if you're able to destroy 7 wards it has served it's cost. You can keep it in base after your counterward a few wards. It has been done in the past but must of the time the benefits aren't worth the risks. Since if you lose it your enemy can use it against your own wards.
- Using a Necrobook 3, these little fuckers are just plain imba when it comes down to a wardwars, it's like comparing fighting daggers with laser-cannons.
- Being Ranged/Blinker Mobility and the ability to attack the wards that are "hidden" out of melee range is a must to do some decent counterwarding. Also keep this in mind when your enemy has nearly only active melee ward placers some wards can be excluded from the list already.
- Being able to use the Hot Map
- Knowledge about your enemy's support their favourite ward spots
- Being aware of the strategy planned and played by both parties so you can more easely predict where their wards are placed.
- Try to place your sentries in such a way that they cover more than 1 warding spot.
- Don't just destroy your enemies observers, also get rid of the sentries that they used to (try) get rid of yours, else they'll easely destroy your sentries as well and they can replace the same ward if they wished.
- Keep track if some creepcamps ain't spawning.
Additional Tricks:
- Zeus'Bolt grants a small moment of Truesight, it's usefull but you need an enemy in order to cast it so it's rather unreliable.
- Hunting your enemies Crow to steal your enemies wards, it's mean but everything is allowed in love and DotA.
Note: Dust of Appearance does NOT reveal wards.
The Hot Map:
How to use this map:
Try to lure out "un-normal" Behaviour from your enemies in the slim-red areas to find out which ward they've put up exactly. You're estimations she be not more than 800 AoE off since you can still counterward this ward if you're off that far.
Great Counter Wards Placements:
The pictures below show where to place your sentrie and the range of truesight they grand. I haven't shown to to counterward all wards. But only the counterwards which are capable of destroying 2 or more wardspots. For the others, just place them next to the ones shown in the warding section. For all the others try to keep your sentries hidden inside the trees to make it harder for your enemies to spot them.
1. Bot Rune/Sentinel Forest AntiWard
2. Bot Rune Anti-Ward
3. Sentinel West Forest Anti-Ward
4. Sentinel Central Forest Anti-Ward
5. Sentinel Hill Anti-Ward
6. Top Rune Mid Anti-Ward
7. Top Rune Anti-Ward
8. Scourge Double-Camp Anti-Ward
10. Scourge Hill Anti-Ward
11. Scourge Jungle Uber Anti-Ward
12. Scourge West Forest Anti-Ward
13. Scourge Secret Shop Anti-Ward
14. Scourge Base Entrance Anti-Ward
Last words:
The trick in good counterwarding is that you're aware of the enemies strategy and aware of where there wards are placed. After knowing that start hunting hunting with sentries without having a single clue will not add much to your team, it's better to resort to a gem if that's the case. Special thanks to Eumellein, Heldarion, SNOW37 and nyu for this section.
click here for extremely good info And here for additional info
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